In global linguistics, since the second half of the last century, there has been a heightened focus on the study of lacunae. This approach has stimulated the development of new linguistic fields, notably lacunology. The phenomena of lacunae and lacunarity have become subjects of investigation in linguistic cultural studies, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, and intercultural communication. When analyzing bilingualism within linguistic cultural studies, issues such as the mentality of native speakers and the determination of national-cultural characteristics have emerged as major scientific problems. Research on the phenomenon of interlanguage lacunae sheds light on the perception and reflection of linguistic, lexical-semantic, and universal landscapes across various language systems.
● Alisher Navoi. Muhokamat ul-Lug’atayn. Tafakkur, 2014.
● Berdnikova, E.V. Lexical Lacunarity in Intercultural Communication. St. Petersburg, 2006.
● Vinay, J.P., Darbelnet, J. Comparative Stylistics of French and English: A Translation Method. Paris, 1958.
● Metalova, I.G. Professional Training of Rural School Teachers in Chuvashia. Moscow, 2009.
● Khudaibergenova, D. Anthropocentric Interpretation of Uzbek Literary Texts. Tashkent, 2015.