About the Journal
American Journal of Business Management (ISSN 2996-5098)- is an peer reviewed international, open access journal. This journal publishes the articles in the field of Economics and Business Management. Authors can submit original research for the double blind peer reviewed journal.
Aims and Scope :
American Journal of Business Management is an open access, Bimonthly, peer reviewed journal. The Journal publishes in all major disciplines and sub disciplines under- Accounting, Advertising, Analysis, Business and Economics Education, Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Finance and Investment, Business Law, Business Research Methods, Business Theories, Case Studies and Management Information Systems, Communication, Consumer Behavior, Corporate Governance, Engineering Management, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Management and Profitability, Financial Reporting, General Business Research, General Management, Health Management in Public and Private Institutions At The Healthcare Sector, Human Resource Management, Information Technologies, Insurance, Internationalization Features of Global Small and Medium Enterprises, Management Information Systems, Management Organization, Marketing, Marketing Theory and Applications, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Theory, Personnel and Industrial Relations, Production/Operations Management, Project Management, Project Management and Strategy, Risk Management, Sales Management, Social Issues and Public Policy, Statistics and Econometrics, Strategic Management, Strategic Management Policy, Supply Chain Management, Technology and Innovation Diffusion in Enterprises, Quality Management etc.