Many of the biologically active substances are found in food products in higher doses than they are used in the pharmacopoeia. At present, food should be considered not only as a source of energy and plastic (building) substances, but also as a very complex pharmacological complex.
1. Tokayev E.S. Biologically active substances used for the treatment and prevention of liver diseases / E.S. Tokayev, N.P.
Blokhina, E.A. Nekrasov // Nutrition issues. - 2007. - No. 4. - P. 4-9.
2. Nekrasov E.A. The role of phospholipids in the nutrition of people with liver diseases / E.A. Nekrasov // Materials of the International Forum "Fundamental and Applied Problems of Nutrition", - St. Petersburg 2007. - P. 45-46.
3. Nekrasov E.A. Study of the effect of a complex of amino acids with a branched side chain and arginine on the spectrum of free amino acids in blood plasma and the functional state of the liver in chronic viral hepatitis / E.A. Nekrasov // Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Youth Conference with International Participation "Main Directions of Functional Nutrition and Food Safety", Ulan-Ude 2006. - P. 6-7.
4. Tokayev E.S. The Possibility of Using Glycyrrhizin in the Treatment of Hepatitis of Various Etiologies / E.S. Tokayev, E.A. Nekrasov // Proceedings of the Scientific and Practical Conference of the Eighth International Presentation Seminar "Biotechnology-2005", Pushchino 2005. - P. 50-52.
5. Tokayev E.S. Approaches to Metabolic Therapy of Hepatitis / E.S. Tokayev, E.A. Nekrasov // Proceedings of the III International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Living Systems and Biological Safety of the Population", Moscow 2004. - P. 65-66.
6. Tokayev E.S. Brief Summary of the Use of "Gepamin" in Clinical Practice / E.S. Tokayev, E.A. Nekrasov / Abstracts of the eighth international congress "Parenteral and enteral nutrition", - Moscow 2004. - P. 61.
7. Tokayev E.S. Determination of dietary fiber and preservatives in food products / E.S. Tokayev, S.B. Yudina, E.A. Nekrasov // Methodological guidelines for laboratory work. - Moscow, Moscow State University of Applied Physics and Biotechnology. - 2004. - 17 p.
8. Tokayev E.S. Evaluation of the study of the effectiveness of a hepatoprotector containing gum arabic on functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in rats as a result of alcoholic liver damage / E.S. Tokayev, T.S. Popova, E.A.
Nekrasov, Yu.A. Lysikov, G.I. Solovieva, A.S. Baghdasaryan / Abstracts of the eleventh international congress "Parenteral and enteral nutrition", - Moscow 2007. - P. 87-88.
9. Tokayev E.S. Evaluation of the effectiveness of using a hepatoprotector in the correction of alcoholic liver damage in rats / E.S. Tokayev, T.S. Popova, E.A. Nekrasov, Yu.A. Lysikov, G.I. Solovyova / Abstracts of the eleventh international congress "Parenteral and enteral nutrition", - Moscow 2007. - P. 88-89.
10. Nekrasov E.A. Application of hot granulation technology in the production of dietary supplements to food / E.A. Nekrasov // Proceedings of the VI International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Living Systems and Biological Safety of the Population", Moscow 2007. - P. 90-92.