
  • Maxmudjonova Zuhraxon Yusufjon qizi Author
  • Isakova Dilafruz Faxridinovna Author


Culture plays a crucial role in foreign language learning, shaping not only linguistic proficiency but also intercultural competence. This research explores the significance of integrating cultural instruction into foreign language education, emphasizing its impact on communication, comprehension, and overall language acquisition. It examines key cultural components—history, values, traditions, and social norms—and their influence on language learning. The study further highlights differences in educational approaches between Central Asia and Western countries, showcasing how cultural perspectives affect teaching methodologies and student engagement. Additionally, various strategies for incorporating culture into the language classroom, such as cultural islands, literature, non-verbal communication, and experiential learning, are discussed. The findings suggest that an effective language curriculum should integrate cultural awareness to foster a deeper understanding of both linguistic and social contexts. By embracing cultural diversity, educators can enhance students' motivation, improve cross-cultural communication, and facilitate a more immersive language learning experience.


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