
  • Sobitjonova Husnora Dilshodjon qizi Author
  • Isakova Dilafruz Fakhridinovna Author


The education system serves as the cornerstone of national progress, evolving from traditional methods to contemporary approaches in response to rapid technological advancements. Traditional educational practices, characterized by teacher-centered instruction and a focus on memorization, have long dominated classrooms. This paper explores the historical context of these methods, highlighting their reliance on structured environments where teachers act as the primary knowledge source and students are passive recipients. Traditional methodologies, such as the Grammar-Translation Method, emphasize grammatical rules and rote learning through repetition and translation exercises. While these approaches foster social skills and critical thinking through peer interactions—particularly in literature classes—they also pose limitations, including a lack of engagement and adaptability to diverse learning styles. In contrast, modern educational frameworks encourage collaboration, critical thinking, and the integration of technology, transforming classrooms into dynamic environments. By examining the strengths and weaknesses of both traditional and contemporary methods, this study advocates for a balanced pedagogical approach that combines the effectiveness of structured learning with the adaptability of modern techniques, ultimately preparing students for the demands of the 21st century.


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