Relevance. Major bone fractures, including those of the pelvis, femur, and tibia, represent a significant challenge in trauma care due to their high prevalence, complexity, and risk of complications. These injuries are often associated with substantial morbidity, prolonged rehabilitation, and, in severe cases, permanent disability. Advances in surgical techniques, such as metal osteosynthesis (MOS) using plates, screws, and external fixation devices, have improved treatment outcomes. However, complications such as delayed union, nonunion, infection, and thromboembolic events remain critical barriers to optimal recovery.
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2. Nazarov K.N. Infectious complications in open tibial fractures: A clinical and microbiological analysis. Trauma and Orthopedics Journal.
3. Lack W.D., et al. Venous thromboembolism after femoral fractures: A prospective analysis. Journal of Trauma.
4. Kim Yu.D. Pelvic fracture fixation with anchored plates: A randomized clinical trial. Orthopedic Research Journal.
5. Belokrylov N.M. Complications in acetabular fracture surgery: A systematic review. European Journal of Trauma.
6. Yamshchikov O.N. Hip arthroplasty for femoral neck fractures in elderly patients. Arthroplasty International.
7. Rondanelli A.M. Pain syndromes associated with locking screw osteosynthesis. Pain Management in Orthopedics.
8. Khojanov I.Yu., et al. Effectiveness of Ilizarov external fixation in complex tibial fractures. Traumatology Today.
9. Sarmiento A. Functional bracing in the treatment of tibial fractures. Clinical Orthopedics.
10. Zuev P.P., et al. Locked intramedullary nails in tibial fracture management. Surgical Innovations.
11. Allgower M., Spiegel F. Evolution of tibial fracture management. Historical Perspectives in Orthopedics.
12. Krivorotko M.S. Anterior knee pain in intramedullary osteosynthesis: Causes and management. Journal of Orthopedic Rehabilitation.
13. Kokorin I.N. External fixation in pelvic fractures: Long-term outcomes. Trauma Science.
14. Apaguni A.E., Vlasov A.Yu. Avascular necrosis in femoral neck fractures: Diagnostic challenges. Bone Health Journal.
15. Dezayes C. Fat embolism syndrome in long bone fractures: A clinical overview. Respiratory and Critical Care Journal.
16. Ernar N., et al. Factors influencing delayed union in femoral fractures. Trauma and Emergency Medicine.
17. Tuhktakulov T.A., Makhmudov N.I. Minimally invasive osteosynthesis with plates in tibial fractures. Clinical Orthopedics and Trauma.
18. Spiegel F. Intramedullary fixation: A historical perspective. Journal of Orthopedic History.
19. Lack W.D. Asymptomatic venous thromboembolism in polytrauma patients. Critical Trauma Studies.
20. Rondanelli A.M. Outcomes of locking plate osteosynthesis in femoral fractures. Orthopedic Advances.
21. Khoromov A.A., et al. Outcomes of plate fixation in diaphyseal fractures of the tibia. Modern Surgery.
22. Uteshev M.Sh., Valiev E.Yu. Rod external fixation in polytrauma management. Traumatology Research.
23. Spiegel F., Allgower M. Comprehensive management of tibial fractures. Orthopedic Archives.
24. Nazarov H.N. Risk factors for infection in long bone fractures. Clinical Microbiology in Orthopedics.
25. Kim Yu.D. Pelvic fracture stabilization with advanced anchoring systems. International Orthopedic Science.
26. Yamshchikov O.N. Long-term outcomes in hip arthroplasty for elderly patients. Geriatric Orthopedics.
27. Belokrylov N.M. Nerve injuries during pelvic fracture surgeries. Neuroscience and Orthopedics.
28. Krivorotko M.S. Functional limitations after tibial osteosynthesis. Journal of Trauma Rehabilitation.
29. Sarmiento A. Early mobilization strategies in tibial fractures. Orthopedic Progress.
30. Dezayes C. Fat embolism in orthopedic trauma: Pathophysiology and management. Trauma Updates.
31. Lack W.D. Prophylaxis and management of DVT in orthopedic patients. Trauma Medicine.
32. Zuev P.P., et al. Comparative outcomes in locking nail and plate fixation. Orthopedic Innovations.
33. Kokorin I.N. External fixation in high-energy pelvic trauma. Pelvic Surgery Review.
34. Uteshev M.Sh., Valiev E.Yu. Early outcomes of external fixation devices in trauma. Traumatology Advances.
35. Apaguni A.E., Vlasov A.Yu. Advances in osteonecrosis management post-hip fractures. Bone and Joint Journal.