This article discusses the development of resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics widely used in modern medicine and the negative consequences of this process. The article highlights the main causes of antibiotic resistance, including antibiotic overuse, inappropriate treatment methods, and genetic factors. The mechanisms by which microbes develop resistance, such as enzyme synthesis, efflux pumps, and the spread of resistance through the exchange of genetic material, are explained in detail.
1. World Health Organization (WHO): Reports and recommendations of WHO as an organization providing global information and statistics on antibiotic resistance.
World Health Organization. (2019). "Antimicrobial resistance: global report on surveillance."
WHO official website:
2. National Institutes of Health (NIH): A resource that publishes scientific research on antibiotic resistance, its mechanisms, and adverse consequences.
National Institutes of Health (NIH). "The antibiotic resistance crisis."
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Resistance recommendations and statistics from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
CDC. (2020). "Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States."
4. Scientific articles and studies: Recent scientific studies that have investigated antibiotic resistance, such as:
Laxminarayan, R., et al. (2013). "Antibiotic resistance—the need for global solutions." The Lancet Infectious Diseases.
Ventola, C. L. (2015). "The antibiotic resistance crisis: Part 1: Causes and threats." Pharmacy and Therapeutics.
5. Useful guides and textbooks: Guides to be used as a primary resource for medical students and professionals on antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance.
Prescott's Microbiology: Joann Willey, Linda Sherwood, and Chris Woolverton. "Prescott's Microbiology," 10th edition, McGraw-Hill Education.
6. Research on Antibiotics in Agriculture and Livestock: Scientific resources on the effects of antibiotic use in agriculture.
Landers, T. F., Cohen, B., Wittum, T. E., & Larson, E. L. (2012). "A review of antibiotic use in food animals: Perspective, policy, and potential." Public Health Reports.
7. Medical online scientific libraries:
Research articles on antibiotic resistance can be obtained through libraries such as PubMed (National Library of Medicine), ScienceDirect.