The process of tissue regeneration after complex surgical operations is crucial for the patient's recovery and plays an important role in increasing the effectiveness of surgical procedures. This article discusses in detail the biological basis of the regeneration process, the stages of inflammation, proliferation and remodeling. Factors affecting regeneration, including the patient's general health, nutritional status, the importance of drugs and surgical techniques, are analyzed. The role of modern regenerative approaches - biomaterials, stem cell-based therapy, gene therapy and nanotechnologies is emphasized.
1. Campbell, N. A., & Reece, J. B. (2005). Biology. Pearson Education.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of cell biology and the mechanisms of regeneration.
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On cell-cell communication and molecular mechanisms in the regeneration process.
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A modern review of the mechanisms of wound repair and regeneration.
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Information on the physiological stages of tissue regeneration.
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Extensive information on the histological expression of fibrosis and inflammation.
6. Langer, R., & Vacanti, J. P. (1993). Tissue engineering. Science, 260(5110), 920–926.
A review of biomaterials and technologies important for regeneration.
7. Riazi, A. M., Kwon, S. Y., & Stanford, W. L. (2009). Stem cell sources for regenerative medicine. Methods, 47(2), 92–98.
Stem cells and their role in regenerative therapy.
8. Atala, A. (2012). Tissue engineering of human bladder. British Medical Bulletin, 101, 81–104.
Regenerative technologies for organ repair.
9. Peake, M. A., Caley, M. P., & O'Leary, R. J. (2014). Skin repair and regeneration. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 39(2), 131–137.
On skin regeneration and post-operative recovery.
10. Huang, G. T., Gronthos, S., & Shi, S. (2009). Mesenchymal stem cells derived from dental tissues vs. those from other sources: Their biology and role in regenerative medicine. Journal of Dental Research, 88(9), 792–806.