The objective of this work was, to analyze the results of a one-year study of the microflora of osteomyelitis and osteoarthritis of the feet in patients with a complication of diabetes mellitus. We retrospectively analyzed the results in 204 patients treated in the department of purulent surgery, who applied for admission and were hospitalized in the department of purulent surgery. Of them patients with osteomyelitis and osteoarthritis of phalanges of fingers, metatarsal bones, interphalangeal and metatarsal-phalangeal joints-112 people, with osteomyelitis and osteoarthritis of bones and joints of tarsal, talus, talo-cuboid, talon-cuboid, talon-palate-92. Patients were subjected to correction of sugar reducing therapy, unloading of feet, necrsequestrectomy according to the indications, differential local treatment based on the stages of wound process, sowing of wound contents for microflora according to all microbiological world standards. Differential approach, adequate surgical treatment, analysis of wound content for microflora, and prescription of antibacterial agents based on the data of wound content culture allowed to reduce the number of complications, up to high amputation and preserve the patients' limb bearing capacity.
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