Ushbu maqolada DYUSHEN MIOPATIYA ning etiologiyasi,kasallik tarixi,kelib chiqishi,belgilari,tashhis qoyish algoritimi,davollash usullari,innovatsion yondashuv usullari,statistikalar haqida toliq ma`lumot berilgan.
1.Lazutka,J.R,et al.’’Ghenotoxicity of Dill(Anethum Graveolens L), Peppermint(MenthaЧpiperita L)and Pine(Pinus Sylvestris L)Essential Oils in Human Lymphocytes and Drosophila Melenogaster . ‘’Food and Chemical Toxicology,39.5(2001):485-92;
2.Grieve, Margaret.”A Modem Herbal-Mints.”Botanical.com.23Feb 2008;
3.Simonsen, J.L(1953).The Terpenes, 2nd edition 1,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 384-408;
4.Miloradovich, Millo. Growing and Using Herbs and Specis. Courier Dover Publishing, 1986;
5.Gillette, Fanny Lemira. “White House Cook Book:A Selection of Choice Recipes Orginal and Selected, During a Period of Forty Years’Practical Housekeeping.’The Historic American Cookbokk Project.23Feb 2008;
6.Plant Oils:Chemistry, Technology, and Applications’’by S.P.V.S.R. Anjaneyulu and R.P.V.Yadava;
7.’’Fitoterapiya’’by N.V.Lazerov;
8.Ibn Sino ning ‘’dorivor o’simliklar’’kitobidan
9.’’O’simliklarning ishlatish bo’yicha qo’llanma’’(tibbiyot va farmatsiya sohasidagi qo’llanmalarda).
10.’’Farmatsevtika dasturlari’’(Farmatsevtikadan olingan tavsiyalar).